Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I love our movie!! I think we totally worked as a team making it between the lesson plan, student samples, script, movie editing: we all contributed so much! Plus I think the movie was really interactive so that equals very cool for students =) This was probably one of my favorite lessons so far. I would love to use movie maker in the classroom for students to create their own, or even watch mine!

Monday, November 15, 2010


Last week I created a podcast all about my science movement integration lesson plan. Then my team and I combined our podcasts so we had one giant one. I thought this assignment was pretty easy and actually pretty fun. I really like video editing, so voice/sound editing was pretty cool too. It took me a few tries not to completely butcher my script, but I am really happy how mine turned out. Audacity is pretty easy to use and I really like how you can layer sounds.
I can see how a podcast could be used in a classroom, but I don't know if I think it's practical enough. It's great for teachers to introduce independent lessons or projects, but I think written instructions are just as efficient. I think, however, podcasts are probably really practical in special needs classrooms, especially if the child can't read/see/ etc to follow directions. I am a visual learner, so I do not think I would like to be taught or given instructions through a podcast.

Monday, November 8, 2010


So this past week I made a bunch of different stuff on excel and even made a mail merger using one of my databases. I thought this work was pretty tedious, but it wasn't too bad to put together. Even though it took me forever to make the mail merger, I think that is a pretty need skill and I could totally see myself incorporating it in the classroom as a way to send grades to parents. I also think spreadsheets always come in handy, whether its for something like grades or a budget. I am not sure how else I would be able to incorporate it as a really good learning tool for students, but maybe I'll figure something out.

Monday, November 1, 2010

I've been so busy that I haven't had time to update my blog! Well this past week I worked on 2 projects: digital storytelling and my team project where I created a newsletter. Ah was it ever hectic!
First I began working on the newsletter. I did the first page and emailed it to myself at home to work at. Later that week I spent 2 hours on it and completely finished it! I was sooo excited to be done. I tried to incorporate everyones ASSURE models and lots of pictures! I also created a crossword puzzle online. I actually think a newsletter to parents is something I might want to do when I have my own classroom.
After I finished my newsletter, I moved onto my digital storytelling. I did not really like doing digital storytelling because 1. I had no idea what to say about myself 2. I hate the sound of my voice. I did not find this activity beneficial, and I do not see myself using it in a classroom as the teacher. Perhaps Id have my students use it, but I personally did not like it. I submitted it onto youtube and it took FOREVER to upload. Then my computer restarted automatically.
When I went to submit my newsletter, it hadn't saved. I was so frusterated because I only had my version with just the first page completed. It was already Friday evening, so I had to rush to re-make the rest of the newsletter. I tried to make it the same as I remembered, but I definitely think my first version was better =(