Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Assure lesson plan

Last week I created my ASSURE model lesson plan. How different this was to create! First of all, I had to incorporate dance and movement into a SCIENCE lesson. I have never ever thought about mixing dance and science, but after doing some research online, I saw a really neat idea on using dance to learn about different types of rocks. This was a great start for me, and I went with it! I decided to create a lesson plan geared at 3rd graders. This lesson first taught them about the three different types of rocks and then taught them about locomotive and non-locomotive movement. The students were evaluated on two different objectives: the dance they came up with to describe each type of rock and a written quiz on the types of rocks. The dance they needed to come up with needed to reflect something they learned about the rock. Maybe the rock was soft, so they needed to have soft movement. Igneous rocks are created from volcanoes, so maybe the students could "explode" and "flow" in their movement.
After coming up with ideas for science and dance, it was pretty easy to create the lesson. I looked at all 5 examples as well as the template to help guide me; I didn't want to leave anything out! I also inserted cells into my lesson plan to create a rubric, though I wish I could have thought of more things to grade on.
I will for sure want to integrate subjects that don't traditionally "mix" (such as dance and science) in my classroom. I think it makes for a much more interesting lesson that the students are probabley more likely to remember.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Publisher Projects

Here is what I have created on MS Publisher so far. I really enjoy using Publisher because I think it is easy to navigate and pretty simple over-all. I am looking forward to creating my group project on Publisher and creating more things I can use in the classroom. In this post I have included my resume, certificate I made for the 4th grade girl I tutor, my business card, and a flyer for a philanthropic event I organized for my sorority.


Business card


Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Today was probably one of my favorite labs so far. I found working on Publisher to be really easy, and I was amazed with how many things I could create! I worked on making business cards, a resume, and an award certificate... and there was so much more I could have done! This is probably one of the most applicable web resources for the classroom because you can create any sort of document from publisher. The one thing I really liked was being able to create award certificates. I know my sorority currently uses award certificates, and we love them, so elementary students would REALLY love receiving a certificate for something they did well. I also like how there are so many templates you can choose from on publisher- and how you can edit them to make them your own.
I will be making the newsletter for my group project, so I am looking forward to exploring those templates. I didn't even know I had Publisher on my laptop, so now I am planning on creating a lot of my own things, such as calendars or banners. These could also be used in the classroom to keep track of homework assignments/tests or banners for special events.