Tuesday, September 28, 2010

google docs

I use google docs at my on-campus job. I work in the admissions office, and I work with student applications. We use google docs to keep track of grading scales; this way we can edit or add grading scales to the document. Today I learned how to "share" to people through google docs. This is really easy to do- you only need their email address.

Google docs could be really handy in a classroom for students to work on projects together. Perhaps students could use this to submit rough drafts and have other students or a teacher edit their work. It could also be useful as a forum-type situation where students can ask questions and other students or the teacher can answer them. Obviously it is great for group project- students can share research, resources and ideas through the doc. Students could organize the whole project on google docs and not have to worry about working on it in class. This would make it easier for students to work since they could work online whenever and wouldn't have to worry about meeting around other students' schedules. This would also give them all an equal sense of responsibility; they would all have the same information in front of them, so they would have no excuse not to contribute.

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